Within Birmingham’s picturesque suburb of Edgbaston, Priory Woodbourne Hospital provides expert treatment for a range of mental health difficulties, such as addictions, depression, anxiety, and stress.
When Priory Group identified the urgent need for additional specialist healthcare facilities at the site, Tetra Tech Planning secured planning permission for a new £1.25m ward building.
The new ward represents a significant investment by Priory Group in its specialist healthcare services at the site. With this new facility, Woodbourne Hospital’s team of consultant psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, and therapists will be able to treat more patients requiring these services.
We worked with the hospital to help them engage with the local community and gain support for the development.
Our pre-application discussions with the local planning authority – founded on our comprehensive knowledge of the local area and the relevant planning policies – helped us demonstrate the merits of additional healthcare development at the site.
In negotiating the planning permission, we avoided the need for “pre-commencement” conditions to allow a prompt start to development.
In addition to town planning services, we provided transport and ecology advice that helped our client demonstrate to the Council that the development would not adversely affect either the local highway network or on protected species, such as bats.
Planning permission was granted for the development under officer delegated powers, with the application meeting our client’s challenging programme requirements.
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