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Expanding Surrey’s Ewell Grove Infant School to a Primary School

Brick school buildings at the side of a road with lights on in the windows in the early evening
Photo courtesy of HLM Architects

After Surrey County Council reorganised primary school places, Tetra Tech Planning secured planning permission to enable Ewell Grove School to expand from an Infant School with Nursery to a Primary School with Nursery.

Tetra Tech Planning supported Surrey County Council through the planning process, including securing a second consent incorporating a number of amendments to the original scheme. The expansion project secured places for approximately 200 additional pupils and provides certainty for parents of where children will be schooled up until the age of 11 years.

Ewell Grove School is located within the Ewell Village Conservation Area and special care was taken to design the scheme in a way that was sensitive to the Conservation Area. The high-quality scheme was supported by the Local Planning Authority’s Conservation Officer who advised that the scheme respects and enhances the character of the Conservation Area.

The high-quality scheme was informed through continuous engagement with the local planning authority, stakeholders and local community.

Tetra Tech provided support throughout the project from an initial feasibility assessment, pre-application consultation, stakeholder and public engagement, planning submission and discharge conditions.

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