Tetra Tech supported the planning application for a new village, school, and community facilities on the derelict site of a former Royal Ordnance Factory at Thorp Arch.
Our experts provided an environmental impact assessment alongside geo-environmental, transport, and ecology services.

The new Rudgate Village development aimed to create around 900 new homes, a local primary school, retail and leisure facilities, significant public access open space, and biodiversity enhancements.
Requirements for remediating potentially contaminated land associated with the manufacture of ordnance added significant complexity to the project. Close communication with local authority ecologists, however, allowed us to agree appropriate mitigation and compensation measures.
Over a period of several years, our ecology experts undertook surveys and environmental impact assessments to provide a detailed understanding of ecological interests across the site in support of the planning application. We also acted as expert witnesses for transport and geo-environmental considerations in relation to the highway and drainage infrastructure proposed for the development.
To ensure the continuity of species’ interests, our final proposals recommended the creation of a new country park to provide opportunities for habitat creation, restoration, and stewardship, as well as to encourage public interaction with the natural environment.
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