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A ground investigation for flood defences near Hull

Aerial view of a big neighborhood with long curling streets, rotundas, and big parking lots
Tetra Tech’s geo-environment team undertook a ground investigation at the proposed urban community of Kingswood on the northern ourtskirt of Hull.

This major residential development would accommodate 18,000 people, employment and shopping facilities, a new primary school, and a health centre.

Our investigation provided detailed information to enable redesign of flood defences and mitigation measures.

View across a stony shore of a heavily shadowed waterside building against a bright blue sky

The site’s proximity to the River Hull defined it as a high-risk flood zone requiring new flood defences, flood-proof building design, and the integration of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) into the masterplan.

To help inform the flood mitigation design, our investigation along the existing flood embankment comprised Cone Penetarion Testing (CPT), window sampling, and cable percussion boreholes. The nature of the site presented significant access challenges exacerbated by inclement weather. To overcome this, Tetra Tech utilised a versatile track/truck CPT unit in conjunction with a lightweight window sampling rig to minimise damage to the embankment.

We also installed gas and groundwater monitoring installations, complete with water monitoring divers from which data was downloaded over a 12-month post-fieldwork period. This data was then collated in our factual report with associated AGS 4 data.

Due to the ecologically sensitive nature of the site, which included water vole habitats, we applied and obtained an Environment Agency permit and provided an Ecological Clerk of Works with whom the GI team agreed access routes and supervised all plant movements throughout the works.

Our careful pre-planning and highly skilled workforce enabled all fieldwork to be undertaken below budget and within the agreed two-week period. Health, safety, and the environment were prioritised throughout the works, and ultimately, our team overcame the challenges of bad weather, soft ground, and restricted access while minimising damage to the environment.

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