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A greenfield development at West End, Guildford

Aerial view of a large housing development

Tetra Tech Planning company provided town planning consultancy services to secure outline consent for a greenfield residential development in Surrey.

We provided detailed advice and guidance on obtaining an appeal via Hearing following a local refusal.

We co-ordinated submission of the appeal and also provided expert witness services for planning, including advising on the matter of Five Year Housing Land Supply to demonstrate a 4.3–year supply against Surrey Heath Borough Council claiming 8.4 years. Tetra Tech subsequently gained approved for all the reserved matters utilising detailed plans produced by the architect AAP.

The site was in conflict with the development plan at the time and considered harmful to the intrinsic characteristics of the countryside. Tetra Tech successfully argued that the benefits of housing in this sustainable location overcame that harm, which the Inspector agreed with.

The reserved matters were the subject of design panel review where a number of concerns were raised, the team responded to and overcame the issues raised through an amended layout, securing a recommendation for approval and ultimately planning permission via Planning Committee.

The development was implemented and is now occupied.

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