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Mollie Collishaw-Lock – 12 Months as a Tetra Tech Graduate

Headshot of Mollie Collishaw-Lock

Embarking on her professional journey at Tetra Tech as a recent graduate, Mollie Collishaw-Lock, Graduate GIS Consultant shares her experience of spending 12 months with the company.

From joining the graduate cohort to playing a vital role in project development, Mollie shares with us her journey so far.


Initially, what attracted you as a graduate to Tetra Tech?

I’ve always been very driven and after researching different companies, Tetra Tech stood out to me as a company that wanted to help and encourage their colleagues, especially early careers. I applied for my role in the spring of final year of university after I’d made the decision that I wanted to stay in Manchester.


What was your experience of the interviewing / assessment process?

I had a very positive experience from start to finish. My assessment day and interview were in Leeds, everyone was very welcoming and what I didn’t realise at the time was that I was talking to members of the Senior Leadership Team who were offering advice and encouragement before going into interviews. I remember being so nervous at the start of the day and a piece of advice I got that really resonated with me is, ‘We know we like you already, you’re at the interview. Go in and think, do I like them? It will be you working here after all.’


What were your thoughts and feelings when you first joined Tetra Tech?

Entering the corporate world can be overwhelming. I found being a part of the graduate cohort really helped me as I didn’t feel alone and could talk to others who were going through what I was. Looking back, I was very nervous for the first few weeks, but in no time, I settled in.


What are your favourite aspects of your role in Tetra Tech?

I like that no two days are ever the same and there is a big learning culture at Tetra Tech. My team are keen to teach me new skills and techniques, I’ve learnt so much and always encouraged to ask questions. The flexibility is also great.

The opportunities presented to me in my short career have been great for learning new skills and increasing my confidence. I’ve been very fortunate to be selected to become a reverse mentor for a member of the SLT too.


Have you felt supported during your time at Tetra Tech?

Definitely. Not only have my team been fantastic, but the wider early careers team and my colleagues in the graduate cohort have been invaluable to my success so early on in my career. I’ve been given the support and encouragement to evolve in my role and guidance on how to move forward.


Would you recommend joining Tetra Tech as a graduate to others?

Certainly, Tetra Tech is a company that will invest in you and push you to be the best you can be. You’ll be presented with opportunities, that if you take advantage of, will be invaluable.

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