Working with the developers at Caddick Developments Limited, Tetra Tech Planning secured permission in 2016 for the Business Park (B1, B2 and B8 uses), car showrooms, hotel, ancillary retail, associated highway works, car parking and landscaping. The outline planning application was accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
As we progressed the outline planning permissions, we also successfully promoted the Business Park through the Scarborough Local Plan to protect the site’s longevity. Specifically, we secured allocations for:
- the Business Park – originally only identified as committed employment supply within the Draft Plan (i.e. development with planning permission but not allocated)
- the Business Park extension land – successfully removed from a proposed “open countryside” designation.
Tetra Tech Planning worked with Caddick Developments early in the outline planning application process to coordinate pre-application discussion with local planning authority officers, and to scope the planning application and EIA. We coordinated the technical team and prepared the supporting application documentation.
Following submission, we monitored the application and carefully considered the requirement for any needed technical responses to consultation comments, continually liaising with the local planning authority to ensure the application was reported to the Planning Committee at the earliest opportunity.
The EIA application was determined within four months after submission. We ensured the outline planning permission was structured to enable submission of detailed reserved matters on a phase–by–phase basis.
Our approach was underpinned by heavy engagement throughout various consultation stages, including attending the Scarborough Local Plan Examination in September 2016. The Business Park subsequently changed from “committed” to “allocated” status, with the extension land successfully removed from a proposed “open countryside” designation to allow future expansion of the Business Park.
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