The NHS Property Services sought to rationalise health facilities on the site through provision of a new 21st century hospital building to replace the existing War Memorial Hospital and the later Health Centre. This was proposed in conjunction with the release of a portion of the site for residential development.
Previously known as White House, this historic building later became the new Memorial Hospital in 1940. In 1948, the National Health Service took over Hythe Hospital, maintaining its ‘memorial’ status, just prior to a new wing being built to accommodate the Maternity Department.
The hospital had included 17 beds, but this facility was lost in 2010. The hospital continued to provide a wide range of outpatient services until 2016 when the building was finally vacated. The continued ‘memorial’ status of the site is of great importance to the local community.
We advised on the appropriate planning strategy given the joint objectives of delivering a new fit-for-purpose hospital and securing a capital receipt through selling part of the site with planning permission for residential development. As a result, we proceeded with a single ‘hybrid’ application comprising a full planning application for the healthcare element and an outline planning application (with all matters reserved apart from access) for the residential element. This strategy was also agreed with council officers during the extensive pre-application dialogue we led.
Our strategy successfully delivered the joint objectives of our client. Full planning permission was secured for the replacement hospital, which enabled construction to proceed. The outline planning permission for residential development on the surplus land maximised a potential capital receipt for our client, whilst providing the ultimate purchaser with some flexibility in site layout.
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